Photos and my Progress: Portraits of the Drawing: Final Drawing of all Dinosaurs: Final Drawing of All Dinosaurs (Photoshop Adjustments):
I'll be planning to do more drawings of dinosaurs from other movies and tv shows, but there are dozens of them and it'll be difficult out 3 to 5 drawings I want to pick out of. I'll be having a long think about it and going the ones I know very carefully...
Until then, I will keeping busy on other drawings and request that I'm currently on. As soon as the drawing of all the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park was done, I contacted Racheal gray (who wanted to it) to meet up and collect it. When she came by this afternoon, she was to see what I created.
She'll mailing it to her cousin's son before Christmas and be really happy at what I've made for him. As soon as I got all the Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, now drawn I get started in colouring all in. Like I did before, I started from the bottom working my way to the top. Photos of the Progress: The finished drawing of the Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park: Rachel is going to love, for what I've drawn for her cousin's boy this Christmas.
In mid summer, another local in the village named Rachel, has asked me to do a drawing for her cousin's son. Surprisingly, Rachel wants me to draw all the Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, I did something similar of this before when I was in college a staff member from this part-time job I took was leaving, so I did two drawings for one with all the Carnivorous Dinosaurs and the other with all the Herbivorous Dinosaurs. When I finally had the chance from work and one or two other drawings, I get to work on creating a drawing of all the Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park starting from the smallest and working my way up to biggest and putting the names of each species of Dinosaur in the drawing. Progress of the Drawing: This be far the longest and biggest piece of artwork I've done in a long time, and I'm kinda glad and enjoy doing this, the next step will be to finish colouring it all in. The hard part while going through it was getting the names in and carefully sketching the composition of where each dinosaurs should so as I was working my way to the bottom all the way to the top I had do it by one piece at a time. And before I get started on colouring it, I think I've done a great job. Finished work of all the Dinosaurs: |
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