Last month, I get started a tattoo design for another staff member at the hotel in work at. the staff member Ed wants me to draw a tattoo the goes from his shoulder, across his upper back to the other shoulder. The tattoo that Ed wants is a kind of Maori tattoo design. A Maori Tattoo for the customer: When free from any work shifts or any help chores needed at home, I finally got the chance to get started on working on what Ed wants. First Tattoo Drawing: The image I used, to make the drawing was tricky to do because the details weren't very clear to see, so I had to be a bit creative and I couldn't do the entire tattoo, like trying to create a drawing from the reflection of a mirror. The drawing I did could have gone a little bit better, from how I sketched it and draw it in, it's like I squished and the patterns at the bottom of the drawing weren't a lined then from the image. So got to work on another drawing. Progress of the Second Tattoo Design: Second Tattoo Design: As soon as that second drawing done, which went better than the last drawing I had them both scanned on photoshop to make them into a complete tattoo design. Photoshop Designs: Tattoo Design 1 Tattoo design 2 Tattoo Design 3 Tattoo Design 4 It didn't take long for further design and adjustments in these tattoos and then print out. When I met up with Ed in one of my shift, I showed the him the work I've done and asked if there were any changes needed from the them, but he has said that there're no changes needed at all and has picked which one he'd like to have. This is what Ed picked for a tattoo: He hasn't gone to a tattoo shop for is yet, but he'll soon.
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